Coverage of climate change had been broadcasted, plausibly, for years, yet notable change seemed economically impossible. The system was, hypothetically, impenetrable. All the deteriorative, human activities were requisites to uphold not only the U.S.’s economy but the self-sufficiency of the citizens. The common misperception is that greenhouse emission in the United States is a product of its own greed and laziness. While that may be true in certain instances, it is, chiefly, the contrary. Listed below are the official statistics of the U.S. Greenhouse Emissions (2018):

- The American Perspective:
- Transportation: Traveling to a routine destination such as one’s workplace, school, home, etc. is usually at the convenience of a personal car. According to Value Penguin, 99.3% of household owners reported having access to at least one vehicle in the United States this past year! Completely refashioning common transportation to low-carbon forms such as busses, trains, or boats is unwise. Each has a seating limit, for one, meaning that not everyone will get to their destination on time. Consider the hypothetical situation: 1000 people are recurrently late to their workplace and get rightfully fired. Their bosses have reason to believe those people are liabilities. Punctuality is a well-known threat to employment. These constraints are even worse for those who live far away from their workplaces. My father, as well as others, have to travel relatively long distances to reach their workplace. Now, he could have chosen to work somewhere closer to our house, but it boils down to the contrasting environments, and likewise, the contrasting compensation. Now you have 1000 unemployed people roaming the streets, most of which resorting to swindling for quick cash. Transportation, in most cases, is vocational. For non-vocational cases, with respect to the relative distance, carpooling, bicycling, or even walking could reduce emissions. Distance and purpose correlate in importance. Additionally, auto manufacturing drives $953 billion into the economy each year.
- Electricity & Industry: Electricity is an indispensable integral of the U.S. lifestyle. Some of the practical uses of electricity include power for heating, cooling, electronics, machinery, and transportation. Some Americans might even consider a blackout as an upheaval. The need for electricity is undeniable, but the reduction in usage is viable, however. Energy consumption has been increasing exponentially for years. Similarly, the percentage of internet access has undergone an increase. This increase in energy consumption was necessary to support uprising internet users.

- Agriculture, Commercial & Residence: Tying back to production, the consumers also contribute to greenhouse emissions. Some use their products excessively. I would go as far as to say that the saying, “TV rots your brain” is a parental strategy to lower their bills, and successively, subdue Commercial production. While there is evidence of excessive usage, the general circumstances are not chosen. Heat is required to digest properly. Solar cooking isn’t that much of a faultless solution because of the disparity in temperature in several areas of the country and constant weather changes.
- Quarantine:
Up until 2019, carbon emissions in the United States were awry. According to EPA, “Emissions increased from 2017 to 2018 by 3.1 percent (after accounting for sequestration from the land sector).” 2019 was the year that alleviated the national concern with the emissions dropping by 2.9%. Now, we’re in the year 2020. The inception of quarantine and closing of schools in March put an abrupt stop to everyday American life and unsurprisingly, daily carbon emission. On a global scale, daily carbon emissions have dropped by 17%. Before the virus outbreak, transportation was on a whim, but now, it’s a precaution for one’s health.
- Global Pitfalls
Global warming has drifted into a dire state. The environment and its inhabitants are changing faster than we can track it. Everyone is playing a part in it, and everyone should be held accountable. There’s no exclusion. In 10 years, we’ve seen potent occurrences of all of the following: Record-breaking heat waves, kindling some of our gravest wildfires; propagating deficits of resources we once had an abundance of (Ex: droughts) and with nodding acquaintance, the superfluous occurrences of disastrous events (Ex: substantial rainfall, more powerful hurricanes, and floods); and lastly, the interference of habitat life, creating potential extinction.
- Takeaway
Climate change is a silent killer and has only recently caught attention from the media when we began to see devastating wildfires. Covid-19 was unprecedentedly rapid but environmentally restorative. We, as a collective, can combat climate change. You, by your actions, determine life or death. Global change starts at a communal level.